Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Welcome to my blog

Penn State is reaching out for global agricultural development. As part of this project, I will be travelling to Georgia, formerly part of the USSR to support agriculture in the development of farm equipment rental services for small farmers.

Follow this blog to participate in the progress of this project. As you read, please leave me a comment. I will respond back as time and the Internet allows.


  1. Hi Glen, Safe travels. Look forward to following you on your blog. I gave your blog address to Don Tanner, Harry Carey, Shuffy and JD Dunbar.

  2. Glen, I just learned from Zurab this week that you were over there. I hope we can visit when you return. Will you be at the Keystone confernece at Grantville in two weeks? Mark Goodson

  3. Its really great buddy from last week I am using this Farm Equipment and I am getting 100% result ...Thank you
