Sunday, September 18, 2011


I contacted another USAID consultant staying in the same hotel.  From Idaho Jim has been here a week developing marketing plans with four Machinery Service Centers.  We met for dinner Saturday night.  I had a great trout stuffed with walnuts.  Jim was done for the day, but I wanted to explore a bit before settling into the hotel.  Walking the narrow coblestone streets, I was motioned by a big man to come into a basement shop which turned out to be a coffee shop operated by he and his wife.  They spoke now English and we communicated in jestures.  I'm not sure how but we communicated.  I somehow indicated my desire to hear traditional Georgian music.  Somehow I asked this man to show me and we started walking.  After walking almost an hour, we entered a very upscale restaurant where there appeared a setup for musicians.  Awhile after getting beers the youg musicians began to play traditional Georgian music.  Lively and energetic Georgian music expresses a subtle Asian influence with a reminder of Eastern European flair.

1 comment:

  1. Just had a chance to catchup with you. Sounds like you're having lots of experiences already and making memories
