Sunday, September 25, 2011

They made me dance again

Last night was not with the coffee shop friends.  Ia took me shopping for a Georgian doll in the more modern part of the city – the parliament district.  We stepped into an English bookshop/tea house.  To her surprise there was Michael, husband of her cousin from England – an Englishman in his 50’s married to a Georgian.  We had tea and cousin Elisa eventually joined.  Quite a happy reunion.  Michael enjoys singing in an English choir specializing in Georgian folk songs.  An enthusiastic discussion about my folk music experience led to me suggested we all go there that evening.  Not suiting at first eventually Michael agreed to go , Elisa had other plans.  Then in my inability to remember names especially Georgian names especially since they have their own unusual alphabet we couldn’t determine the address of the restaurant.  So Ia and I trekked to the coffee shop and Ia got directions, went to the hotel to get the phone number but no luck.  So we got a taxi, went to the place, made reservations, and made arrangements with Michael.

What a special time we had.  Much later Elisa joined and both became so delighted to be reacquainted with the traditional music and dance.  Great music, great food, and incredible dancing, Georgian folk music.  Michael took the mic and sang a patriotic Georgian folk song and the crowd went wild.  For a foreigner to sing that song meant so much.  I was included just because I was with him.

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